Jin Jadu Aur Insan pdf book download free

Jin jadu aur insan book
Download another Islamic book on Jinns and magic etc "Jin Jadu Aur Insan" (Jinns, Magic and Human), compiled by Hafiz Mohammad Zaid Malik in Urdu language. This book is also as amazing like previous books about Jinns and magic so you should try this book too.

In the said book "Jin Jadu Aur Insan", Mr. Hafiz has written all about Jinn and magic (An impossible activity done with the help of satanic Jinns not hand tricks etc.). Mr. Hafiz has describe about the relation between Human, Jinns and magic in the light of Islam as the the author Mr. Hafiz Mohammad Zaid Malik is an Master of Arabic and Islamic as well as LLB Shariah.

In the said book "Jinn Jadu Aur Insan", he has also collected some verses  about the Prophet Sulaiman (A.S) and Musa (A.S) of the Holy Qur'an.

 Index/contents of the book "Jinn Jadu Aur Insan" by Hafiz Mohammad Zaid Malik.

Jin Jadu aur Insan pdf book book

Jin aur jadu

book about jinnat

Urdu books about jadu

Jinn Jadu aur Insan pdf

Jinn Jadu aur Insan pdf

Size: 21.83 MB
Pages: 1184

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