Download for free an interesting Urdu book "Shadi Ki Raat", written by Abdul Hadi Abdul Khaliq Madani and learn the complete marriage advices according to Islam in Urdu language. This is a detailed book about marriage compiled in light of Islam. You will find advices for the bride and groom in this book.
Since Islam is not only a religion but also a complete way of life, therefore Islam has also taught about marriage because marriage is also Sunnah and Islam tells Muslims to get married in their lives.
The said book "Shadi Ki Raat" is a great effort of Abdul Hadi Abdul Khaliq Madani, He has spotlighted the Marriage in the light of Islam and collected various Hadiths about Islam, He has described the Islamic Prayers about marriage, the rights of wife and husband.
Index of the book "Shadi Ki Raat" Abdul Hadi Abdul Khaliq Madani
Size: 679.04 KB
Pages: 59
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