Download another Islamic Urdu book "Qayamat" about the Judgment Day (Ending), written by Abdul Malik Mujahid and learn about the Islamic point of view about Ending of the world. The book name means the Judgment Day.
In the said book "Qayamat", Mr. Abdul Malik Mujahid
has described the situation of Ending i.e the judgment day or final day in the light of Islam. He has sketched the most difficult situation for the human being in the final day.
has described the situation of Ending i.e the judgment day or final day in the light of Islam. He has sketched the most difficult situation for the human being in the final day.
In the said book "Qayamat"(the Judgment Day), the author has also described about the Heaven and Hell. He has also narrated with a brief detail about the paradise. This book is a great effort of Abdul Malik Mujahid.
According to Islam the Ending is not limited only to planet earth but all the stars, solar system and all planets and Stars system i.e the whole universe will be destroyed, the earth will be burning and the Sun will be so near to the earth, mountains on earth will be destroyed and flied like cotton. The oceans, rivers and seas will also be burnt, and every dead mankind will be re-alived, Now the Judgment will be started and According to Islam the time length of the Judgment day will be 50 thousands years. Every man will be crying for himself/herself. Son will refuse to help his mother, father will refuse to help his daughter and even parents will refuse to possible help of their children. No human relation will be able to help. Prophets will beg for themselves. May Allah make it easy for us.
Index of the book "Qayamat" by Abdul Malik Mujahid.
Size: 18.54 MB
Pages: 62
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